Luxury Condominiums Underway On The Lower East Side
Classic Stone, LLC (Classic Stone) announces new stone contract for 199 Chrystie Street, a luxury residential project on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
Developed by Ranger Properties and KD Sagamore Capital, 199 Chrystie is a ground-up, 14-story development featuring 14 upscale, full-floor residences. Plush amenities, including a roof-top terrace, make this ideal location even more desirable.
The interiors are designed by high-end designer, Thomas-Juul Hansen based in New York City. Classic Stone will be providing furnish and install services for the various stone elements throughout the space. A unique selection of white and gray stones were sourced from multiple countries and will be used in the master and secondary bathrooms, powder rooms, and kitchens. The scope of work includes flooring, wall tiles, tub walls and bases, vanities, carved sinks, backsplashes, and kitchen countertops.
Production is complete with delivery slated for late fall. Installation will begin following final material adjustments at Classic Stone’s local fabrication shop.
Construction on the building topped out over the summer with project completion scheduled for April 2021.
For further information, please contact:
1420 Techny Road
Northbrook, Illinois 60062
+1.312.401.0337 | office